Company's Prospectus

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Company nameFujikei Kyoi Co., Ltd.
Head Office147 Inokuchi Oyabata-Cho,Inazawa-city,Aichi 492-8156
Capital¥ 50,000,000
President, CEOShogo Ito
Annual business¥ 30,600,000,000 (Year ended March 31 2024)
BusinessAll liquor business - Wholesale and Retail; Establishing, Operating and Franchising Specialized Liquor Shop “Sakaya Bic”; Planning and Producing Original Brand Sake and Various Liquors
Employees179(As of June, 2024)


Isuke Ito
1854Our founder, Isuke Ito, started making Japanese Sake.
1882The second owner, Ototaro Ito, took over the business.
1932The third owner, Keiichi Ito, took over the business.
1965The fourth owner, Shigeo Ito, took over the business.
1969Fujikei Kyoi Co., Ltd. was established.
1972A liquor wholesale distribution license was obtained.
1975A specialized liquor shop “Scotch & Wine Kyoi” was opened in a mall.
1986The first “Sakaya Bic” store -- a large scale and unique liquor retail store of our own -- was opened.
2000The first “Sake-no-Kyoya Isuke” - a Select Sake Shop - was opened.
2013The fifth owner, Shogo Ito, became the President & CEO.
Since then, “Sakaya Bic” stores have been opened one after another.
2016President & CEO Shogo Ito awarded the honor of Chevalier de L’Ordre des Coteaux de Champagne.
2019107 shops are in business in Aichi, Gifu, Mie, Shizuoka and Shiga prefectures.
2023115 shops are in business in Aichi, Gifu, Mie, Shizuoka, Shiga, and Niigata prefectures.